الجمعة، 10 يناير 2014

Causes of premature greying of hair

Causes of premature greying of hair
The recent increased rate of emergence of graying hair (gray hair) earlier in girls, and the emergence of hair greying head to many different causes, graying hair may appear because of stress or because of food shortages or a lack of interest in healthy eating and the incidence of anemia, to find out more on the causes that lead to the emergence of poetry next gripe early read lines

Reasons for the emergence of early graying hair girls

A sense of the daily stress and long working hours

Work for long periods (10 to 12 hours a day) to destroy the system of daily life; work with girls and women feel stress and tension which leads to disruption of system of eat, sleep and relax

Lack of meals

Don't bother many breakfast due to the limited time available, with preference for eating fast food French fries and soft drinks, and a lot of girls believe that eating vegetables on the food is sterile and obsolete, resulting in the emergence of early graying hair

Lack of time to eat

Time constraints and busy at work may push girls to eat while doing other work, such as reading or talking with others in the telephone, leading to not chew food properly and thus lead to indigestion and body and hair do not benefit from the food

Nutritional deficiencies

The rapid rhythm of life that affected daily lives has led to overwhelming response to fast foods and prepackaged non-food household hygiene led to several health damage which speeds up the appearance of hair graying in the head

Increase the caffeine

Work pressures that push many to eat a large quantity of tea, coffee and other caffeinated stimuli, at the same time not to eat adequate amounts of water leads to a lack of water in the body resulting in the wounding early graying hair

Psychological pressure

Working women are subjected to a lot of stress due to work pressure and inability to balance work and domestic work, which leads to increased stress and which consequently affect all the organs of the body and hair

We must not overlook the issue of inheritance as they play a key role in the greying, so take care to learn why gray hair and you can find the best solution to this issue

Causes of premature greying of hair
The recent increased rate of emergence of graying hair (gray hair) earlier in girls, and the emergence of hair greying head to many different causes, graying hair may appear because of stress or because of food shortages or a lack of interest in healthy eating and the incidence of anemia, to find out more on the causes that lead to the emergence of poetry next gripe early read lines

Reasons for the emergence of early graying hair girls

A sense of the daily stress and long working hours

Work for long periods (10 to 12 hours a day) to destroy the system of daily life; work with girls and women feel stress and tension which leads to disruption of system of eat, sleep and relax

Lack of meals

Don't bother many breakfast due to the limited time available, with preference for eating fast food French fries and soft drinks, and a lot of girls believe that eating vegetables on the food is sterile and obsolete, resulting in the emergence of early graying hair

Lack of time to eat

Time constraints and busy at work may push girls to eat while doing other work, such as reading or talking with others in the telephone, leading to not chew food properly and thus lead to indigestion and body and hair do not benefit from the food

Nutritional deficiencies

The rapid rhythm of life that affected daily lives has led to overwhelming response to fast foods and prepackaged non-food household hygiene led to several health damage which speeds up the appearance of hair graying in the head

Increase the caffeine

Work pressures that push many to eat a large quantity of tea, coffee and other caffeinated stimuli, at the same time not to eat adequate amounts of water leads to a lack of water in the body resulting in the wounding early graying hair

Psychological pressure

Working women are subjected to a lot of stress due to work pressure and inability to balance work and domestic work, which leads to increased stress and which consequently affect all the organs of the body and hair

We must not overlook the issue of inheritance as they play a key role in the greying, so take care to learn why gray hair and you can find the best solution to this issue

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