الجمعة، 10 يناير 2014

Masque vaseline, almond and honey to peeling and bleach

Masque vaseline, almond and honey to peeling and bleach
If you are looking for the best natural mixtures of peeling skin and wash it out, you only work mixed with Vaseline, almond and honey and comply with components and how they work and use it for best results Components of mixed petroleum jelly, almond and honey 3 tbsp of ground almonds 2 tablespoons of liquid milk full cream milk -½ teaspoon of starch 1 tablespoon of natural honey -½ teaspoon of Vaseline

Application of mixing the vaseline, almond and honey -Mix all the ingredients together until you get a homogeneous mixture -After a shower with warm water Pat your body well and then apply the mixture on your face or your body skin "area to be peeled, wash it out and order the region with circular movements from bottom to top and vice versa, to stimulate circulation in the region and to get rid of dead cells for 15 minutes -Wash your body with warm water again and drain on towel then moisture cream moisturizing Use this mixture once a week Is mixing the vaseline, almond and honey from the best natural mix that gives you great results it opens your skin and take care of her, try it and do not hesitate

Masque vaseline, almond and honey to peeling and bleach
If you are looking for the best natural mixtures of peeling skin and wash it out, you only work mixed with Vaseline, almond and honey and comply with components and how they work and use it for best results Components of mixed petroleum jelly, almond and honey 3 tbsp of ground almonds 2 tablespoons of liquid milk full cream milk -½ teaspoon of starch 1 tablespoon of natural honey -½ teaspoon of Vaseline

Application of mixing the vaseline, almond and honey -Mix all the ingredients together until you get a homogeneous mixture -After a shower with warm water Pat your body well and then apply the mixture on your face or your body skin "area to be peeled, wash it out and order the region with circular movements from bottom to top and vice versa, to stimulate circulation in the region and to get rid of dead cells for 15 minutes -Wash your body with warm water again and drain on towel then moisture cream moisturizing Use this mixture once a week Is mixing the vaseline, almond and honey from the best natural mix that gives you great results it opens your skin and take care of her, try it and do not hesitate

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